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5 reasons to make your book an audiobook

April 29, 2016

Audiobooks are a growing industry. Here’s 5 reasons why your book would benefit from being an audiobook too.

1) Audiobooks are never out of print.

Once you have created the audiobook, you will never have the overhead of producing it again. Nothing gets wasted in terms of unsold books, and you’ll never be out of ‘print’. So if a popular chat show host should recommend your book, there won’t be an ungainly rush to the printers to make enough copies to satisfy the demand.

2) Time poor nation

Most of us have less time to read than we used to. In this day and age of rushing around between kids, work, the gym and any number of other responsibilities, people have less time to curl up with a good book.

However. We can listen to audiobooks whilst doing something else. Making that car journey, or the gym or the washing up more enjoyable. An audiobook is more accessible and easier to squeeze into our busy lifestyles.

3) Audiobooks are a billion dollar industry

Due to the rise of sites like audible, iTunes, and other download platforms, the audiobook market is now a billion dollar industry. This medium has become increasingly more popular over the last 10 years, as the software and devices enabling listeners to use them has become readily available. Your book could also be part of that market.

4) An audiobook widens your market

People who are not avid readers will listen to audiobooks. Possibly because of the time issues in #3 and because some people just prefer to listen than to read. For example, approximately 10% of the population in the UK have dyslexia, and are likely to struggle or be slow readers, finding your audiobook much more accessible. Plenty of non-readers might be interested in your subject, and prefer to have access to an audiobook version.

5) Audiobooks increase other sales.

Having an audiobook will increase sales of eBook and physical copies of your book. If people love your audiobook, they’ll sometimes go back and buy additional copies for their shelf or to underline key points, giving you the opportunity to sell the same book to the same person more than once.

Recording Your Audiobook

If you would like more information about recording your audiobook, including voice over, background music and sound effects  at Igloo Studios, please click here.

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