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“A decent drummer is integral to a great band – it gives a totally different feel to the music and makes everyone in the band commit more to their performance. I’m thrilled to have Konnor on board teaching drums – his extensive experience truly makes him an asset to our team!” DiElle

Drum Lessons Hampshire


Drum Lessons Hampshire - drum lessons for kids




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Drum Lessons in Hampshire


Have you ever watched for favourite band’s drummer and thought “that looks like fun”? Well now you could join the drummer ranks and begin your own journey of musical discovery with Igloo Music’s drum lessons.

Our drum lessons are designed so that you learn all about the drum kit and the many ways to make sounds, rhythms and beats. We will guide you through the basic rudiments, co-ordination, time keeping and rhythm notation during fun and interactive lessons.

Through drum lessons with us, you or your child will develop a great sense of rhythm, a musical understanding of the drum kit, and experience a wide variety and styles of music.



Whether you’ve already taken the first steps on the drumming road or have never sat behind a drum kit before, our drum lessons will teach you everything you need to know.

Our tutor, Konnor, is a seasoned professional musician with years of music industry experience and he is also able to advise you on equipment and all aspects of being a working musician.image

Igloo Music’s drum lessons take place at Igloo Studios, Wickham, Hampshire where you can learn in the privacy of our countryside retreat.

For more details, please contact the team to discuss your goals.

“Konnor is a great coach – very knowledgable, approachable and friendly.” Mark

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