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Turning On The Christmas Lights – Wickham

December 4, 2013 @ 18:00 - 18:30

We will be having a sing song in our local village to help them get in the Christmas mood for turning on the Wickham Christmas tree lights. Come and join us!

A Message from Igloo Music UK:

Hi everyone!
Thanks for coming along to the Wickham Lights turn on tonight..

Yesterday the event managers asked us if you can park at the Commuinity Centre and walk back to the square please as parking is going to be tight in the village centre. The address is below. When you walk back to the square, please take the footpath along ‘Garnier Park’ which runs alongside the primary school. When you park, if you stand facing the front doors of the community centre, the path is on the left hand side. At the school gates, turn left on to Buddens Lane, then right at the next junction which will take you back into the square. This is a 5-10min walk approximately.

Please don’t walk back down Mill Lane (the road to the community centre) as it will be very dark, there is no pavement and people drive very fast down that road.

Dielle will be there from 5pm with her mobile. We will start singing at 6pm.

We are also sharing the performance time with Wickham Morris Dancers. Maria will be singing her Christmas Solo and we will perform our 3 Christmas songs.

See you tonight!

Wickham Community Centre

Mill Lane
Hampshire PO17 5AL


December 4, 2013
18:00 - 18:30
Event Category:


Wickham Parish Council


Wickham Square
Wickham Square
Wickham, PO17 5JQ United Kingdom
+ Google Map