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Havant Folk Club

December 14, 2013

Havant Folk Club Logo

The Havant folk club is informal and friendly. All are welcome. Poets, singers, folk musicians of all walks of life. Alan and Hannah - Havant Folk Club Igloo Music UK.jpg

The club has recently moved to The Avenue Tennis Club in Emsworth hosted by Vince and Irene. Click here to contact them.

A wonderful variety of people attend the club – new faces are welcome as well as friends and partners if you’d like to bring someone with you just to watch.

Havant Folk Club comments.jpgThere is no set fee, however we ask for a donation only (recommended £3) as a contribution to the club for hosting.

Getting there and parking:-
HFC comments.jpgThere is a security system onsite, but the gate on the right will be accessible until about 7:30. When you arrive, go up the external staircase, from which you can enter the bar. If you arrive later than 7:30, that is ok, but you will need to ring the bell on the left-hand door and someone will let you in. I should point out that the bar/function room is on the first floor, the loos are on the ground floor and unfortunately there is no lift.

To access the car park turn in by the One Stop shop at Green Pond Corner, drive up the lane and turn right into the avenue’s car park. To find directions to the club, search on: https://avenueltsc.co.uk/

Please let Vince know if you are going to come along (& how many, if more than one), as he will need to arrange seats for everyone, thanks. Subsequent meetings will be notified by email and the facebook page.


The Avenue Lawn Tennis, Squash and Fitness Club, Southleigh Road, Havant, PO9 2RS

Havant Folk Club January 2013 (14)

Meetings are (generally) on the 3rd Sunday of each month, please check the facebook page for most up to date information.

What do we do?
We generally sit around in a circle and play music and sing to each other, whilst sipping a nice cider or ale. It is a very friendly environment, however we do ask that noise is kept to a minimum whilst people are performing. You can bring something for everyone to join in with, or you can perform to us if you prefer. Everyone is welcome.

Havant Folk Club Bag

Havant Folk Club Mug

Havant Folk Club bags and mugs

You can get a Havant Folk Club bag or mug via this link

Stay Social!



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