Igloo Ukulele Players on Express FM
December 13, 2013Local radio DJ Chris Pearce has taken an interest in Igloo Music this year, and has featured us on his radio show on a Thursday evening for the third time in 2013 on 12th December. Chris’s show takes an interest in local events, organisations, groups and people, and we have thoroughly enjoyed sharing our activities with him.
On 12the December Dielle went into the station with James Cadwell, Anne and Mark O’Reilly to talk more about our ukulele groups, and what we have been up to this Christmas.
Although it was a small group, we had a huge amount of fun, and sang and played our 2013 Christmas Repertoire with gusto.
We started with Elvis Presley’s ‘Santa Claus Is Back In Town’ – a very strummable 12 bar blues track that has had a lot of airing this Christmas by the Igloo Crew!
We even had dancing break out in the aisles at one gig in particular, as the audience couldn’t keep to their seats.
After a bit more of a chat about Anne, Mark and James’ experiences with Igloo and playing the ukulele this year, we played ‘Angels’ by Robbie Williams, and finished with the Christmas Medley. Despite being their first time performing on radio, James, Anne and Mark were fabulous, and gave both a fantastic interview and performance.
Audio will be coming soon from the station, which you will be able to listen again to here.
Chris Pearce was pleased to have us in, and has invited us to come back in the new year with an update as to the Igloo goings on. If you would like to catch his show, he is on 8-9pm on Express FM every Thursday www.expressfm.com or 93.7FM
Click the links below to listen!
Igloo On Express FM 12th Dec 2013 – Part 1
Igloo On Express FM 12th Dec 2013 – Part 2
Igloo On Express FM 12th Dec 2013 – Part 3