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Igloo’s Musical Triumph

April 2, 2013

Igloo Music UK’s annual music showcase ‘Four Magic Chords’ at The Spring Arts & Heritage Centre last Saturday was a huge success with many attending an evening of brilliant music from 42 Igloo members comprising of singers, songwriters, vocal groups and guitarists.

Igloo Music’s harmonious triumph has been confirmed with some great feedback from family, friends and from the general public on how brilliant the evening was.

Director of Igloo Dielle Said ‘Since the show the office has been bombarded with congratulations and compliments, telling us how members performed to their highest standard yet; giving a professional and entertaining show. I am exceptionally proud of all the igloo members, everyone worked together but more importantly supported one another throughout’

The hard work from Igloo Music and its members had certainly paid off; hours of rehearsals and preparation concluded in a smooth and professional performance by all.

Choir member Vivienne James said ‘I love the choir! The opportunity to share ideas, sing in harmony and perform, Dielle is an inspiration’

Performers of the show were of a wide age range  offering the audience an evening of various styles and genre of music, the show kicked off with the ukulele band encouraging all to sing along to ‘Johnny Be Good’ and ‘Brown Eyed Girl’.

Singer Sara Chamberlain said ‘Thank you to all that came to watch the show; it was fab and everyone did amazing, thanks to Dielle for making it happen’

From start to finish the show was filled with positivity, great sound and rhythm, everyone went home in high spirits, the great atmosphere music creates left a feeling of delight.

For more information about Igloo Music UK and what classes and courses are available for adults in Hampshire you can visit the website www.igloomusic.co.uk or call the office on 023 92 006 507.

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