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Spring Time Singing for Igloo Choir

December 17, 2012

Igloo Music UK had a great day on Saturday, November 15th. With the afternoon rehearsal open to new members to come and join the Igloo Choir experience at The Spring Arts and Heritage Centre, Havant.

‘This is an enjoyable and friendly group – I was looking for somewhere I could just enjoy singing in a group without having to commit to a whole night every week forever’ said new member Sarah.

The group had a fantastic choral sound; it was a great rehearsal session for all whom attended in preparation for Igloo Music’s annual showcase taking place at The Spring Arts and Heritage Centre on Saturday, March 30th 2013, an evening of singers, songwriters, guitarists, vocal groups, bass and ukulele players of all ages from across Igloo music.

Director of Igloo Music Dielle said: ‘It was a really enjoyable session and it was great to welcome some new singers to the Igloo group, as well as being at The Spring which has such a creative atmosphere; a pleasure to be at, making it a lovely afternoon’

The genre and style of song chosen within Igloo choir is vast with plenty of variety to keep session’s fun and interesting; such as, ‘Make You Feel My Love’ by Bob Dylan / Adele and ‘Hole In The World’ by The Eagles.

Igloo members also often write their own songs as a group which is a unique and special aspect that the Igloo choir have, plus new song suggestions and new ideas are always welcome.

All rehearsals for the choir are at The Spring Arts and Heritage Centre from 1.30-5.30pm, pre-booking is essential, information on booking and rehearsal dates are located on the Igloo Music webpage.

For more information you can visit the website – www.igloomusic.co.uk or check out Igloo Music’s Facebook Page ‘IglooMusicUK’ , as well as contacting Dielle on 02392 006 507.


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