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Fox Hat

November 20, 2014

The Fox Hat.jpgFox Hat

Fox Hat are a four piece acoustic-rock style band that have Fox Hat Music - Open Mic 2nd Feb 2014.jpgformed since meeting via Igloo Music UK. Their musical taste is varied, and they perform a range of music from David Bowie to Etta James. Since forming, Fox Hat have performed at a variety of venues and events this last year, including Waterlooville Music Festival, The Igloo Annual Concert at The Grosvenor Showbar in Gunwharf and a number of local open mic nights and jam nights in the area. Fox Hat are a fun-loving, feel good group that will get your toes tapping.

See them this Christmas at the Fareham Christmas Lights Switch on around 11am, on 30th November 2014.





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