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Group or Not To Group – That is the Question…. Groups vs Private Tuition

June 12, 2013

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Are you wondering whether you should have private tuition or join a group? Perhaps this post will interest you….

What makes Igloo different is that when you become a member of Igloo, you join a community of like-minded people. That may or may not be what brought you to us in the first place, but it’s something we actively promote for the well being of every member, for many reasons. People may not be all that excited about joining in group training and other activities, and much of the time we find ourselves discussing the benefits of group learning (of which there are many) with new clients.

After years of experience and hundreds of students of all walks of life who have come through the igloo doors, we have observed that it boils down to this:
The people who make the most amount of progress in the shortest amount of time do a combination of both group and personal tuition. These are also the people who are fulfilled the quickest, reach their goals regularly and attain lasting skill and confidence much sooner than people who have private tuition alone. This doesn’t mean that these people are on every course and here every day (although you can if you want!), it just means that individuals are taking advantage of the opportunities available here at Igloo – coming to a jam night, taking a group exercise class, meeting other members, perhaps having some double lessons, taking part in group performances, singing in the choir once a month as well as having a couple of private singing lessons a month. There is so much you can learn from each other, and so much you can’t learn in private lessons. Singing in harmony for example; is much more exciting with 10 people than with 2.

But.. There’s no substitute for private lessons….
This is true… For some things
We believe that personal coaching should be used in the same way you might use a personal trainer at the gym. It should be highly targeted towards your personal and specific challenges and goals. When you have covered the basics which are common to everyone in a fun group (such as Vocal Keep Fit, Sing 101, Rock and Blues for guitar, or Strum 101) you will get much more mileage out of your personal hour, as we can really focus on implementing skill rather than understanding it.

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