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Singing & Corporate Wellness: Sing-Stretch-De-Stress

This midweek, lunchtime session to support corporate wellness.

Can singing reduce corporate stress? The answer is yes!

We aim to offer support and stress relief to those struggling with corporate stress and anxiety with our lunchtime singing sessions.

It can be hard working from home without the support of your co-workers.

Our singing session Sing-Stretch-De-Stress is available online and is a great way to manage corporate stress, boost wellness and productivity.

Music is well-known for its therapeutic effects on physical conditions, but also mental health and wellness. During these challenging times, our singing sessions can help lift your mood and reduce stress about work and everyday life in lockdown.

Members can

• Access mood-boosting activities that promote corporate wellness and productivity, such as
o Mood-lifting, physical stretches, to increase blood flow around the body and improve well-ness and cognitive dexterity
o Relaxation and breathing exercises to reduce stress and enhance calmness
o Singing for fun, resulting in boosting the happy hormones and increases oxygenation to the blood (regardless of how good people are at singing!)

  • Log on and off at any point during the session- stay for the full 90 mins, or just join in for 10- 20 mins during lunch break. The session is designed to be flexible to the members’ busy schedule and needs.
  • Join in with audio-only and turn the video off to have a screen break, if desired.
  • Have an easily accessible “watch again” link and access the singing, stress-reducing activities at any time during the week, should the live session not work for them.
  • Participate in a sociable and fun online activity in a safe way, to reduce social isolation.


This is a 60min live session on a Wednesday lunchtime for companies to introduce a corporate stress-relief session to their workforce and increase corporate wellness and productivity.


Pricing varies depending on the size of your company. One monthly membership fee is paid in advance to access our Sing-Stretch-De-Stress corporate stress-relief sessions. After payment, all members of staff will then be able to attend.

If you would like to know more information, please do not hesitate to contact us on info@igloomusic.co.uk and we will get back to you soon as possible to discuss how we can help your company reduce the stress amongst staff members with our singing session.

Health Benefits of Music

Many studies have shown that music has a positive, therapeutic effect on relieving people from stress, significantly contributing to emotional wellbeing. You can read a bit more about that here on the blog.

Mental and emotional health during these trying times is taking its toll on many people. Singing and stretching together with other people, even done remotely, can relieve stress and improve corporate wellness among your teammates, staff and co-workers.